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Hope for Miranda and Blake

Now this was a surprise for everyone and clearly heartbreaking for Miranda and Blake. What saddens me even more is what exactly they divorced over – did they really just give up?

From what I can see – Miranda and Blake’s issues can be boiled down to a disconnect over each other’s needs and wants and a lack of time together to reestablish connection. When we have the time to be romantically connected, there is little we won’t do to make it work. Of course in Hollywood, time can be a rarity.

The introverted and Texas-bred Miranda had no problems yelling, criticizing, and even being a watchdog on Blake’s social media accounts. She may have attributed her paranoid behavior to her parents’ detective background but the lack of trust is clear. Blake is of course far from innocent – his drinking and flirtatious tendencies are reason to make any wife protective.

But what happened?! The situation described sounds far from hopeless.

Miranda and Blake’s issues can be simplified to one word: communication. These two had a million factors playing against their relationship but some simple communication tools, I believe, could have saved their marriage.

Face to face, holding hands, “Miranda – what do you need from me? What can I do to make you feel safe in this relationship?”

I surmise she would say she needed more affirmation, to hear him say more often that she was his one and only and that all the time he was away she was the only girl on his mind. I surmise Miranda would have died to hear Blake say that his drinking ways are not good – that in some ways Blake uses his drinking to escape from some of the deeper realities of his life. That he completely understands Miranda’s reticence to start a family before he can get a handle on his drinking and selfish habits.

Face to face, holding hands, “Blake – what do you need from me? What can I do to make you want to be around more often?”

I surmise Blake’s number one ask would be respect. That every time she suspects him of bad behavior he wonders why he pursues monogamy at all. That it’s hard to be home with a bitter and angry wife when he can go on television and be praised and admired for his talent and hard work. That there are millions of women who deeply respect him and would never withhold a family from him for some of his shortcomings.

The key of course would be each other’s response. Could Blake really hear Miranda? Would he choose to understand and sacrifice pieces of him for her sake? Could Miranda hear Blake? Could she approach Blake about her concerns with respect rather than yelling and spying?

My hope it still for them. Marriage is a journey of sacrifice, but a deeper joy is possible for those who surrender to it.


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