With a title like “fighting fair” you had to know this day would be anything but. One couple shocked this director team the most: Mama June and Sugar Bear.
For the most part, these two stayed to themselves and played nice with the house – but once they stepped into the “fighting” ring it was F bombs and name calling mamas all over the place! We were shocked but also glad they were finally showing us what happens behind closed doors – every moment is an opportunity for growth.
Cheating Sugar Bear caused the uproar that day. Sweet Mama June knew it all along but still her heart broke at the confession. Like we’ve said before when looking at Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett, couples do not have to end a marriage over cheating – but the requirements for healing are quite high.
After infidelity both partners MUST be committed to fixing the marriage
Spouses must grieve and the cheater must partner in their mate’s healing process
The cheated on spouse has to focus on healing and rebuilding self-esteem
If sexual addiction is involved, the addict must get specialized help which always involves a group process
In every cheating scandal we have to look at a few things. Was the source of cheating simply a selfish misstep or are there signs of sexual addiction? Sexual addiction is becoming increasingly common in our oversexed culture. 11 is the average age a child looks at pornography for the first time. If that’s the norm we have to be smart in our relationships and KNOW what we’re dealing with. From our experience with boot camp couples, most men have sexual addiction issues to work through.
Sugar Bear’s cheating also stirs with questions of bisexuality. It’s possible that Sugar Bear swings both ways but if his struggle is sexual addiction then it’s not a matter of bisexuality but of needing more and more, and different and more different. This can lead down any path of sexual expression and this beast will not be satisfied with anything less than more.
The biggest problem is the false intimacy from this type of sex. False intimacy leaves a person empty and thirsting for more, which can lead to addiction. Real intimacy on the other hand leaves us overflowing with so much love and vitality that we have extra resources to pour out in creative and loving ways.
Sugar Bear is desperate to see his young’uns but Mama June is standing firm against his behavior and lies. Good for her. But Mama June’s work is deeper still. Why is it that she has allowed so many men of questionable repute into her life? There is much more to her story.
Will Mama June stand by as Sugar Bear comes clean and seeks help? Will Sugar Bear do the hard work of reconciliation? Things are not looking good for these two.
Whether Sugar Bear is willing to do the hard work to save the relationship is unclear but one thing is very clear: this relationship will not survive with anything less than 100% deep work on both parts.